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There is always at least one person on your gift-giving list who is so hard to shop for. They have everything. They’re picky. They have interests that you have no clue about. They’re a prepper...
You might encounter times in your life when breaking a window is absolutely necessary. We don’t recommend breaking glass unless you’re in a situation where life needs to be saved. You could severely injure yourself or others,...
We’re not going to go all Martha Stewart on you here, but when it comes to the supplies you’ve hoarded, you need to find some semblance of organization. Prepper supplies are highly coveted, but if...
Besides the obvious choice of a handgun, there are several self-defense items you can conceal on your person in the event that you have to defend your life. Self-defense gear can be as obvious as...
No matter what event is on the horizon, a prepper should be prepared with the right supplies. We’re going to go over several topics over the coming months, but this week, we’ll focus on the...